Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Thats right, we wrote letters to Santa!

It's never to early to write a letter to Santa right?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Halloween was really fun and I think the kids collected more than enough candy to last them a while! Here is to the year of the "Rocks"

Second stop...Great Grandpa Bud and Great-Grandma Dixie.

Mason made a deal while we were there to have a sleep over and Grandpa Bud and Mason are going to sleep in the downstairs bedroom while grandma stays upstairs!

They really got a kick out of that arrangment, but I think first, Mason needs to get use to their dog Sadie first! She is a very playful dog and Mason wasn't sure what to thing about that. Lydia helped pass out candy to the Trick or Treaters and thought it was weird that they used pillow cases to collect their candy in. I guess that is old school now...I remember using a pillowcase for candy!

Trick or Treat!

This year we went Trick or Treating with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Dunford!

the kids loved trick or treating in their neighborhood a lot of the neighbors did really fun Halloween themes in their yards and some house were really scary to visit with their music and smokey fog. Just ask Mason! The weather was perfect!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The kids were so excited to carve their pumpkins!

This year Lydia pretty much did her pumpkin all by herself!

Next year, Mason is going to do something really scary to his pumpkin!

And of course we had to go on the haunted train ride! Maybe next year Mason will be brave enough to go! We love the Haunted Train Ride!

After the Party we went to Macey's and did a scavenger hunt!

Here are the kids at Grandma Vicki's and Papa Randy's Halloween Party!
I can't believe I actually got a picture of all the kids looking at the camera!

They had a lot of fun together playing and eating and watching the classic

"The Great Pumpkin"
Charlie Brown

Mason's school put on a Halloween Program and Carnival it was really fun!

Can you tell which one Mason is?

Yes, he is the Rocket in the back row!

One of my favorite Pictures of my mom and dad and the kids!

I think Mason told my mom a lot of stories about the creature while on our hayride!

You might have to ask her about the details...

Happy Birthday Julie and Joy!

Second Stop Cornbelly's! We love going to Cornbelly's, there is a ton of things for us to do. I would have to say that my favorite thing we did was go through the clown maze! Lydia did not like the clown maze and she will tell you that! The kids had a great time playing on the big trampoline pillows and the really cool wood toys. They love to shoot corn out of the guns and they hay rides. We spent the other half of our day here at Cornbelly's.