Thursday, June 4, 2009

What have I been up to...

Lets see if I can think of 10 things!

10- would love more sleep, less cleaning and more vacations.

9 - has enjoyed being with family.

8 - was the most relaxed when the house is clean today.

7 - soon I will be tickled pink when I get to go out on a date with Jared!

6 - has really enjoyed the warmer weather.

5 - looks forward to the long walks in the evening times.

4 - can't wait for New Moon to come out in November!

3 - has every weekend till August planned with fun things to do.

2 - almost has a backyard to plant a garden.

1 - my favorite time is bedtime when the house is quite and everyone is asleep but me!

1 comment:

Paul/Heather said...

you are SO dang cute!